A Closet Affair

Closets, Closet Inspiration, Closet Design, Closet Ideas, Home Decor, Home Inspiration, House Inspiration, Fashion, Life and Style,

Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted a big glamorous space to keep my clothes, so naturally, I’m drawn to these closets! While I’m 100% sure that a large space in my future dream house needs to be allocated to a beautiful oasis to house my clothes; what I’m unsure of is whether I want my closet to be open concept (you can see all the clothes when you walk in – because I love gazing at my goodies), or behind wardrobe doors (because it provides a clean fresh look). Decisions, decisions! Luckily, not one I have to make right this moment!

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  1. April 27, 2012 / 9:37 am

    new life goal: have a TWO STOREY closet. With stairs.

    • April 27, 2012 / 1:25 pm

      Excellent life goal 🙂

  2. Cathy
    April 30, 2012 / 12:24 am

    There are so many great ideas there!

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