Christmas: more than just presents

Christmas, More Than Presents, Giving Back, Charity, Holiday Spirit, Alternative to gift giving on Christmas, Give Back,

Okay, so the last week and a bit I have focused on material gifts that you can give and receive for Christmas…which is a fabulous and fun part of Christmas, but it’s not what Christmas is REALLY about.  I think it’s important to remember this and not get too caught up in all the presents!

Christmas is a time to thank God for all the blessings you have in life, a time to spend with your family and friends, a time to show your love to others through your generosity and compassion. How you choose to celebrate Christmas is up to  you, but I encourage you to choose at least ONE way you can give to a great cause this Christmas season.

There are so many ways to give to others in need, it’s just about picking one and getting to it.  I find that one barrier is not knowing what your options are, so I have complied a list to help you.

1) Donate to the World Wildlife Fund– there are so many fun ways to support cute and cuddly – some not so cuddly – animals! You can “adopt” an animal of your choice for only $25 – or $50 if you want to receive a symbolic stuffed animal. You can also go to and donate to help save polar bears…awwww…and coke will even match your donation, until March 15, 2012. There are soooo many more ways to donate to WWF, just check out the website for more options.

2) Sponsor a child with World Vision  – did you know that it only costs $420 a year to sponsor a child?? That is only $8.75 a week…which is ONLY $1.25 a day!! That is LESS THAN A COFFEE A DAY!!  This program helps give your sponsored child, and others in the community, better access to education, healthcare, skills training, improved nutrition, agricultural assistance and safe water! These are all things we take for granted here in Canada, and other people around the world need our help!

3) Give to a local food bank – by means of time, canned food or a monetary donation. I have heard that food banks get a discount on food, so even $5 can go a loooong way – more than if you bought it yourself. That being said, giving something from your pantry is better than nothing! You can also volunteer to serve food to those in need!  If you go to the Food Banks Canada website you can find a food bank near you (If you don’t live in Canada, there’s probably something like this for your country, or Google is always helpful).

4) Volunteer – somewhere…anywhere!! To find something best suited to you, check out the Volunteer Canada website to select your province and see what your options are! Again, if you don’t live in Canada, Google your country and hopefully something like this will come up!

5) Help a homeless person – I know what you’re thinking, because we are all guilty of it – but the reality is, we don’t really know the REAL reason by someone lives on the street unless we know that someone personally. So, here is what I suggest – if you’re going in a cafe, coffee shop,wherever, to buy yourself something to eat or drink, get a little something for the person sitting outside. I don’t mean EVERY time (though if you feel called to that, by all means go for it), but every once and awhile will make a difference in someone’s life, and really doesn’t cost you much – what is a bagel, two dollars? Also, baby it’s cold outside!! An idea is to buy a few blankets (you can get inexpensive ones) and make a trip to areas where there tend to be homeless people and give them out.  Also, if you have an old coat laying around the house that you don’t wear anymore, I’m sure a homeless person would be very thankful for it!

6) Give to the Children’s Wish Foundation – Christmas is a special time for children. It’s exciting and magical…but for some children this festive season, full of love and joy has been taken over by fear and hopelessness. You can help bring a smile to a child’s face as they get their wish, by generously giving to the Children’s Wish Foundation. Help create memories and laughter!

7) Be courteous and kind – lend a helping hand to someone in need, hold open the door, give up your seat, use kind words, smile more, compliment others often, say please and thank you, give someone a big hug (not a random person please!), tell someone how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate all they do for you!

I don’t mean for this to be an exhausted list of ways for you to spread the Christmas spirit, just a few ideas to help you get started if you don’t already have something in mind! There are PLENTY of other ways to give and any of them would be wonderful!!

Happy Giving Lovelies!!


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  1. December 14, 2011 / 12:35 pm

    I love this Vic!
    So much warmth and love. I’ve been looking at this: and thinking of buying a family a goat! The idea makes me all sorts of happy – and it’s something that will help them grow for years to come!

    Great ideas πŸ™‚

    • December 14, 2011 / 7:00 pm

      I think this is a fabulous idea Jacquelyn!! Giving a goat to a family will help them out in so many ways! It will also benefit the whole community. Go for it πŸ™‚

  2. Trish
    December 14, 2011 / 1:45 pm

    This is fantastic =) I love this. Great idea, Haute!

  3. December 14, 2011 / 2:45 pm

    I do always try to do something charitable over Christmas and this is a great reminder to get on it! Some really great ideas here, thanks for sharing!

    Alexandra xo

  4. Cathy
    December 14, 2011 / 10:59 pm

    Great idea!

    In my office there’s a program set up to help small, remote communities in Uganda. Each year there’s a different gift option at Christmas and right now it’s buying textbooks for the students.

    There are lots of ways to help others, especially this time of year.

    • December 15, 2011 / 10:30 am

      Textbooks are a great idea!! πŸ™‚

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