Eleven Things From Canada I Love

Maple Leaf, Made in Canada, Things From Canada, Canadian Inventions, Canada, Canadian Blogs, Bloggers from Canada, Canada Blogs

I hope you all had a fun packed long weekend! I couldn’t let Canada Day pass without addressing it; so here I am, with eleven things I love from Canada! I seriously love my country, so the list could go on and on; but I’ve tried to narrow it down for the sake of all our attention spans πŸ˜‰

Here it goes (in no particular order, mind you):

1. the maple leaf  – a beautiful symbol of Canada
2. The Hudson’s Bay Company & The Hudson’s Bay Blanket
3. Maple Syrup – seriously amazing in & on everything!
4. Butter Tarts – one of my favourite treats of all time
5. Holt Renfrew [aka Holts] – Canada’s luxury department store since 1837
6. McIntosh Apples – delicious, yet healthy..when does that happen? πŸ˜‰
7. Hockey – Canada’s National Sport
8. Poutine – don’t say ‘gross‘ until you’ve tried it – it’s amazing
9. The Telephone – thanks Alexander Graham Bell, I’d be lost without mine
10. Tim Horton’s and Timbits – the chocolate ones are my weakness
11. BeaverTails – chocolate and icing sugar are my toppings of choice

What’s your favourite ‘Canadian’ novelty?

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 }


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  1. July 2, 2013 / 12:03 pm

    I think I’m a Canadian at heart, lol ’cause I seem to love
    all Canadian things you’ve listed, (just not the super chilling
    cold, winters). Have a great week ahead. XOXO Nensi

    • July 2, 2013 / 1:06 pm

      haha, true! πŸ˜‰ The cold winters aren’t my favourite either (not always horrible in Toronto), but the snow is absolutely breathtaking!

  2. July 2, 2013 / 12:08 pm

    Love all these typical things about Canada, I’m at most curious about the Poutine, Timbits and the beaver tails……they all look me very nice and tasty πŸ™‚

    • July 2, 2013 / 2:02 pm

      Shiro, you must try them!! πŸ™‚ come to Canada (failing that, attempt to make them at home). You’ll love them!

      • July 2, 2013 / 4:53 pm

        Oh I would love to come to Canada, it have to be amazing and I surely would like to try these wonderful sweets and I also do a great pleasure to my eldest daughter who’s a belieber….hahaha ! Have a pleasant evening Victoria πŸ™‚

  3. Staci
    July 2, 2013 / 4:01 pm

    Mmm, beaver tails.. I lovee beaver tails. The rest too, but mmm beaver tails.

  4. July 3, 2013 / 2:40 am

    I hope you had a great Canada Day too! I love our country
    for all the same reasons! I have a serious love for maple syrup
    though! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment!
    xo jen Pearls & Lace

    • July 5, 2013 / 2:22 pm

      haha maple syrup is delicious – I should look into different ways to use it!

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