Etsy Find: Knit Accessories by Count To Four

Haute - Count To Four- available on Etsy - Knitted Accessories-02

Haute - Count To Four- available on Etsy - Knitted Accessories-01{ Count to Four  **Now re-branded as Foot Notes and Finds}

When I first spotted these Count To Four knitted goodies on Etsy, I automatically fell in love! They make the cooler weather seem way more appealing! If you look closely at the gloves (you may have to click on the picture to enlarge it) you can see that they sparkle…and we all know much I love sparkly things!!! Subtle Glam. Plus, the bow on both knitted items is beyond adorable. What made me even more giddy (if that’s even possible) was when I saw that the Count To Four sisters (four of them!!) are from Vancouver – it’s always fun to see the wonderful talent of fellow Canadians!

*Etsy Find Submissions: If there’s an Etsy shop that you love and want me to check out for a future blog post, I’d love to hear from you! Email [email protected] with the subject “Etsy Find” and a link to the shop in the body. If I think it fits with the style of my blog, I’m happy to include it.



  1. January 14, 2013 / 9:56 am

    WOW! Those finger less gloves are amazing! And I definitely need a pair because I’m always freezing at work!

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