Fashion Illustrations: Susan Hassmann

{ Fashion Illustrations by Susan Hassmann }

Being in the shopping spirit, these illustrations seem rather fitting!

Besides the obvious reasons for my attraction to these photos (those being the glorious number of shopping bags, the chic cross body handbag in twooo different colour-ways, the oh-so-fabulous outfits, the way the scarf floats in the wind, those sky high sling back heels, and the dainty charm bracelets that sit on her wrist – this lady has style!!)…I am largely attracted to these particular Susan Hassmann fashion illustrations because of the colour palette and what I deem a “water-colour feel.”

This colour palette puts me at ease, while making me long for some glamorous girl time – tea. shopping. nails. cocktails. and repeat. It makes me feel warm and ready to enjoy all that spring and summer have to offer! All in all, these fashion illustrations make me happy.



  1. May 23, 2012 / 9:24 am

    These are so girly and sweet – they evoke youth (don’t they remind you of Barbie a little?) and at the same time, they’re a mature version. I dig.

  2. May 28, 2012 / 4:27 am

    they are pretty nice, and like say RiverCity Fashion are so gitly and swwet-

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