Haute Tweets at Toronto Fashion Week!

Tis the season to celebrate Canadian Designers…fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!! Lovelies, I’m so excited to see all of the F/W 2012 Collections from our Fabulous Canadian Designers! I hope you have a chance to grab a ticket to at least one of the shows this season! It’s really a fun experience!!

Because I love fashion; and because I love to keep you all updated on fashion buzz, I’m heading to most of the shows this week..and dun dun dun…I’ll be TWEETING!!!!!  That’s right, Haute now has Twitter (@hautecanada).   Just in time for fashion week…yes, it was planned that way! So come follow Haute and let’s have some stylish fun together!!

The World MasterCard Fashion Week will be happening in The Tents at David Pecaut Square…starting this evening around 6pm and going on all week!! Hopefully I’ll see some of you there!


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