An Ice Skating Trail In Muskoka!

An Ice Skating Trail In Muskoka!

Yesterday’s blog post was all about my perfect Canadian winter weekend, and while ice skating was part of it, I didn’t get into much detail because I thought it deserved it’s own post. It was that much fun!

I was pretty excited when Ford asked if I wanted to borrow a vehicle for the weekend, because I had been wanting to up to my cottage in Muskoka, and make a stop at Arrowhead Park’s skating trail. The problem is that I drive a convertible that’s pretty horrible for city winter driving (not much snow), never mind the vast amounts of snow Muskoka gets hit with. Ford agreed to lend me their Explorer so I could make the trek; and I now have a special bond with it – we drove through the worst snow squalls of life.

If you’ve never driven in a snow squall, I pray you never have to! It’s a complete white out on the road. Picture this: at points, not even being able see the nose of your car, and when you can see an itty bitty bit, the only thing you can make out is everyone’s four-way lights blinking in front of you. Hoping and praying that you don’t drive off the road – because you can’t see where it’s taking you. It was so damn scary! The Ford Explorer made it through no problem, and I thank God we all made it safely to the cottage, to the skating trails, and back home again. Whewf!

But I digress – back to the ‘not at all scary’ part of the weekend…the skating trail. This skating trail has been on my list of “Fun Activities To Do During Winter” for a while now. If you’ve never been, I highly suggest adding it to your list. The trail is in the forest, so during he day it’s lined with beautiful snow filled trees, and you feel like you’re in a winter wonderland. We didn’t stay for the evening skate, where they light up the sides of the trail with torches, so I’m definitely going to have to go back.

Simply put, it’s the perfect way to enjoy winter!

Unlike yesterday’s blog post (click here to see it), lacking photos of myself and family, today’s post is full of them. To say we had a blast would be an understatement!

Do you know of any cool outdoor adventures that we should all add to our list for winter? Or even for spring – since I’m hopefully it’ll arrive any day. 😉




















1 Comment

  1. Joanne
    March 15, 2017 / 12:45 pm

    Fun times! Muskoka on Ice!

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