Jeanne Beker’s Stylish Home Decor

Happy Friday Lovelies!

{found here}

Who says shoes and handbags should live in a closet? Surely not Jeanne Beker; and I say Amen to that! These home decor ideas get me so excited. How amazing would it be to walk into your house and see a sexy pair of your shoes sitting strategically on the mantel, or a dresser in the hallway, or on a stack of your favourite books?! Honestly, I think it would brighten my day and give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!


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    • February 24, 2012 / 9:41 am

      Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it! πŸ™‚

  1. February 24, 2012 / 10:19 am

    How fun is that?! Look at all those shoes!! And the Campbells soup can clutch in the kitchen. Adorable!

    • February 24, 2012 / 3:07 pm

      I agree Kate, so fun!! I love that the clutch is so kitchen appropriate! πŸ™‚

  2. February 24, 2012 / 11:41 am

    I imagine your home to be decorated JUST like this!

    • February 24, 2012 / 3:06 pm

      You are dead on πŸ˜€

    • February 24, 2012 / 11:27 pm

      Thanks Mandy!!

  3. February 24, 2012 / 11:11 pm

    And now we have reason to place shoes everywhere πŸ™‚ Love this…

    • February 24, 2012 / 11:28 pm

      Exactly!! The fact that shoes are so gorgeous is reason enough to display them!!

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