Lazypants and TNT Holiday Event

lazypants, canadian designer, sweat pants, lazy pants

{ Lazypants Holiday Event at TNT – in Hazelton Lanes, Yorkville }

I just cannot get over the name of these sweatpants…LAZYPANTS?!?! Seriously Awesome. Genius. Insanely Perfect.  I can just picture it – sitting at home lazing about on a Saturday afternoon or Sunday wearing your Lazypants. How Fitting. It actually brings a smile to my face.

Speaking of, I was literally laughing out loud when I read the blurb on the swatch of material hanging off the Lazypants.  It read:

“Why Sweat When You Can Be Lazy? Providing effortless comfort, LAZYPANTS are the ultimate in sweat-pant technology. Specifically designed to do … absolutely nothing!”

Hilarious right?

TNT was decked out in Lazypants. Mingling with friends and meeting new friends (Myself and Caitlin Brown in the pic above), the guests wondered the store checking out the numerous displays of bright coloured sweats. All the while they sipped on cocktails, ate delicious treats by Sarah Bledin of The Sweetest Tart, and yummy hors d’oeuvres by Elle Cuisine (mouth watering sliders and perogies…yes perogies!).

Overall, it was a fantastic night!


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  1. Staci
    November 16, 2012 / 3:34 pm

    Sounds like an amazing event!!
    And those lazypants are cute!!!!

  2. November 17, 2012 / 5:42 pm

    Love slouchy pants, at the mo I am in love with my London favourite pull-ons by Boden but these look great- must try!

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