Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017!
Time sure flies, doesn’t it? It sounds so cliché to say, but it couldn’t be any more true. I feel like last January just happened and we somehow entered into a time warp and skipped a year. Though fast, it was an amazing year none-the-less.
Since re-launching to A Side Of Vogue this year, I have yet to publish a Life Lately blog post, and for that I apologize. I know they were a favourite among many of you, so I’ll be bringing them back for 2017. In the meantime, if you want to see what I’m up to “in real time” then come follow me on Instagram (@asideofvogue) and Snapchat (victoriasimps) because that’s where all the daily fun is; plus they’re great places for us to become even better friends.
Today’s Life Lately blog post is going to be a little different, since I haven’t done one in a long time. Today we’ll be looking at a few moments in my life that made 2016 so awesome!
I said YES! Klay proposed to me in June, at Toronto Island – one of my favourite spots in the city. Being at the beach there makes me feel as if I’ve escaped the city, but really it’s only a short boat ride away. I knew he was going to propose at some point (because we got the ring custom made together), but I didn’t know when. He pulled out all the stops to make sure I wouldn’t know when it was going to happen, and I can honestly say I was 100% surprised and not at all expecting it to happen then. It was a magical day and evening that involved the beach, a sunset, campfire, champagne and lots of love.
I became an Aunt to not one, but TWO adorable nephews! First Logan in July, and then Jax in November. I can’t get over how cute they both are and feel incredibly blessed. They make my heart so so SO full!!
I flew to Sault Ste. Marie, and then took a train ride into Agawa Canyon, to cross an item off my Nana’s Bucket List. We had such a fun time together (I even got her to snapchat with me), and to say the colours of the trees were spectacular is a huge understatement! I definitely recommend the trip!
#KVCondo makeover has commenced! Klay and I just the other day, so we still have a lot of work to do. So far we have painted our den (from these beige walls to a beautiful Chantilly Lace White by Benjamin Moore), but we still have the rest of the condo to go. I’ll update on the progress as we go along, but I’ll be posting more out-takes on Instagram and Snapchat that won’t make it to the blog, so make sure you join me on those social platforms!
What are some of your favourite moments of 2016? I’d love them hear them in the comment section below!