Louis Vuitton’s Sinagpore Island Maison

{ Louis Vuitton’s Singapore Island Maison }

This Louis Vuitton Island Maison, at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, is on my bucket list…and of course, I might as well buy myself a LV “something something” while I’m there?!? haha.

I awhile back I made a small trip to Singapore, and I absolutely loved it there, since I wasn’t there long enough for my liking, and since this Louis Vuitton Island Maison wasn’t built yet, another trip is in order!!

You can get to the Maison via dock, a tunnel under the water that comes up in the middle of the building, or private boat. Also, anything LV you can possible want is sold here…there’s even a bookstore!! It’s your one stop Louis Vuitton wonder!



  1. Staci
    August 13, 2012 / 2:30 pm

    Whoa, that place is beautiful.

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