Let’s Make 2014 Unforgettable! My New Year Resolutions + Illustrations by Inslee Haynes

Fashion Illustration, Inslee Haynes, Fashion Art, Working Girl, Office, Girl Boss, Lady Boss, Office Closet, Illustrations, Fashion, Life and Style,

Happy (official & full) first week of 2014!! I hope you all had the most amazing and incredibly relaxing holiday. I’m guessing if you haven’t already had to head back to work, today is the day you do. Chin up buttercup; it’s going to be a fabulous year – and I’m so excited to journey 2014 with you!

Fashion Illustration, Inslee Haynes, Fashion Art, Illustrations, Fashion, Life and Style, Fitness, Running, Running Illustration, Fitness Illustration, Girls Who Run, New Years, NYE

Have you made any New Year Resolutions (or ‘goals’ / ‘lifestyle changes’ if you cringed at the term resolutions’) for 2014? Here are a few of mine:

Floss my teeth every.single.night. – That includes when I’m so exhausted and sleep seems too precious to waste time flossing. I must suck it up and just floss.
Wake up early – Lately,  I have had a tendency to stay up way too late working (like 4am late..errr..early. Ah, the life of an entrepreneur) which prevents me from waking up early. I need to put a stop to working into the weeee hours and hit the sack before midnight to be able to wake up for 7am!
Make time for myself – Not making time for oneself is probably one of an entrepreneurs biggest downfalls, and it couldn’t be more true for myself. I often neglect myself in order to have more time to work; but this is completely unhealthy and totally self-defeating. In 2014, I aim to make time to relax, do a workout, read a book, go to the spa. I need this time alone to rejuvenate and keep my sanity in check; plus it’ll make me more productive in the long run.
– Leave the country – I love love looooove traveling the world, and saying that I am ‘overdue’ for a trip is a huge understatement. The last few years I have made sure to jump on a plane and travel to Vancouver to visit my sister (which is amazing and important and I will continue to do that this year), but in 2014 I also need to jump on a plane and leave the country. I’m not declaring a specific destination yet because I’m pretty much open to the world, buuuuutt, there are talks of Argentina! Traveling to all seven continents is on my Bucket List, and I have South America and Antarctica left until I can accomplish that life goal. Will 2014 be the year I travel to South America? We shall see!! 😉
Keep A Journal – or a diary if you’d rather be old school and call it that. But I’m not talking about a “Dear Diary, today I smiled at Jake and he smiled back…Do you think it’s true love?” kind of journal. I’m talking about one that I record all the things that made me smiled during the day. We’re all guilty of rushing through our days without paying attention to the life’s little joys. I’m a true believer in seeing the positive in everything, and while I agree that shit happens and sometimes life feels sucky, I also believe that during those not-so-amazing-days there are little moments of happiness that should not be overlooked. This journal is my way of not forgetting how awesome life, and God, really is!

Fashion Illustration, Inslee Haynes, Fashion Art, Illustrations, Fashion, Life and Style, Cocktails, Cocktail Illustration, Cocktail Art, Cheers, New Years, NYE, Party,

What are your New Year Resolutions?? I would LOVE to hear them in the comment section below!

I also want to take a moment to thank you all for being so supportive over this past year! My blog has seen incredible growth and it wouldn’t be possible without all of you. I’m truly grateful that you all take time out of your crazy hectic and busy lives to read my blog; it means more than words can say! If I could give you all huge bear hugs in person, I so would! So, consider yourselves hugged and kissed!!

Let’s make 2014 unforgettable, shall we?!


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{ All illustrations by Inslee Haynes}

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  1. Jacqueline
    January 6, 2014 / 1:08 pm

    To start off my 2014 resolution, my plans are to do the following:

    1) Get back into a healthy lifestyle; working out more and eating sensibly (clean eating)
    2) Travelling: Working my way down my bucklist of places to travel. First trip this year would be to visit my friend and family in Vancouver City. It’s been long overdue.
    3) Having more “ME” time: pampering myself more to get massages and facials..hehe, visit the museum, art gallery, designer exchange building and all the awesome and cool landmarks/places in Toronto.
    4) Photography classes: I finally got my first DSLR camera for Christmas! =)
    5) Start my first blog! =)

    My bucketlist can go on forever!! Hehehe. I can’t wait to share it with everyone on my soon to be new blog (which is on the works as we speak).

    Cheers to new beginnings, new opportunities and to an awesome 2014!

    Quote to start off 2014
    ” Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley

    • January 7, 2014 / 11:39 pm

      Such great goals for 2014, Jacquelyn! Vancouver is such a fabulous place – my sister lives there so I try to go visit at least once a year. Have you been before? What travel destinations are on your bucket list?

      Have fun starting your new blog – so exciting!! Can’t wait to see it!

      • January 9, 2014 / 8:07 pm

        Hi Victoria! Thank you thank you!! =) I’ve been to Vancouver before, and it’s been over 5 years since my last visit? I think?! I’m waaay long overdue and I can’t wait to visit again and just enjoy the beauty of the city. Being a newbie to photography, I can finally try out my new camera..hehehe. Hopefully it turns out alright (cross fingers). =) Do you have plans to visit your sister this year? =)

        The other travel destination on my bucke list, oh boy, where do I begin! hehehe..
        I would love to go visit; Egypt, Turkey, Ireland, Scottland, Iceland, UK, Europe, Jamaica, Mexico, Asia, Philippines, East Coast to West Coast of Canada, North of Canada etc. Hehehe…I can go on forever! That’s my list so far and I’m sure there will be addition made. But I can’t wait to start travelling. =)

        Eeek! I’m excited for my new blog too, I finally got the big push to make it happen. I will definitely keep you posted. =) Have a great week Victoria!! =) #keepwarm

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