Since we’re having unusually warm weather for this time of year, we can wear clothes in March the way we normally wouldn’t be able to wear. I don’t know about you, but I’m totally taking advantage of this.
Don’t get my wrong – it’s not sundress weather yet, and coats and hats are still perfectly acceptable. But, right now I love that we can wear this cute button up denim skirt and my over-the-knee boots, a little bit of exposed skin and not get frostbite.
What’s your favourite thing to wear once the weather starts to get warmer?
What I’m Wearing
Skirt: Express (now on sale!) | Clutch: AGAPE + HESED | Sweater: Express (now on sale!) | Boots: Le Chateau (now on sale!) | Coat: Zara, old (similar here) | Hat: Express
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