I recently came across this new Canadian luxury handbag brand, Jolie, and instantly fell in love. It’s no secret that luxury bags make me weak in the knees, but these take it to a whole knew level.
Canadian Designer and founder of Jolie, Ivy Chen, has created bags that are both stylish, and functional. If your career requires you to carry a lot of stuff to and from work, my guess is that you currently carry your favourite purse plus one or two ugly bags – you know, reusable ones you get from grocery stores or something – but not anymore. These bags have a lot of compartments to hold all your stuff, plus hidden wheels so you can avoid breaking your back while carrying it.
While Jolie bags are prefect for work, I also think it’s their perfect for travel and I’m having a HUGE bag crush right now!
If you too are lusting after this bag (or other ones on their site) you’re in luck!! Jolie is having a Valentine’s Day Sale!!! Get 20% off when you use this code: “VDAY13” – Happy Shopping!!
You can shop more Jolie handbags at Brika.
Did you like this post? Discover more of my Bag Crushes.
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so amazing!!kisses
I like it 🙂
I also have a weekness for luxury bags…. That one is gorgeous!!!
Brooke @ what2wear